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What type of pool is easiest to maintain?

What type of pool is easiest to maintain?

Posted by Dunn Rite on Jul 9th 2020

When it comes to your home, routine maintenance is important. This includes your swimming pool. Think of your pool as a giant bathtub. This is a bathtub that is outside, meaning that is can get much dirtier than a typical bathtub that sits inside. Now, you would never get into a bathtub that is dirty. The same concept applies to swimming pools. You also want to plan ahead with what type of pool you want depending on what you want to use it for such as pool sports or lounging.

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Easiest Pools to Maintain

The reality is that maintenance is inevitable when it comes to any swimming pool; however, some pools require more maintenance than others. While there are lots of factors that should play a role when you are looking for a swimming pool such as price, size, longevity, durability, and the possibility of repairs, maintenance is often overlooked. As a result, many people refer to maintenance as a hidden cost of owning a pool. When it comes to finding a swimming pool that requires the least amount of maintenance, it is important to consider the three most common types of swimming pools.

Concrete Pools

One of the most popular types of swimming pools is a concrete pool. Most people like them because they are the most sturdy. Most people also find them to be the most aesthetically pleasing as well.

On the other hand, concrete pools are also the most expensive. This is true in terms of sticker price as well as maintenance. There are a number of reasons why concrete pools are so expensive to maintain. These include:

  • The role of acid washing
  • The possibility of algae that grow continuously
  • The pool needs to be cleaned by a trained professional at least once per year
  • Steel brushing is required for the pool at least once per week
  • There are two circulations that the pool’s filter must carry out every day
  • The pool needs to be refinished occasionally
  • The chemistry of the water must be monitored closely

With this in mind, many people who buy a concrete pool see this as an investment. As a result, they often hire a trained professional to help them maintain the pool.

Vinyl Pools

A vinyl swimming pool is probably the second most popular type of swimming pool. Those who choose to go with a vinyl pool often like this option because it is the cheapest in terms of sticker price. At the same time, there is still a fair bit of maintenance that has to be done with liner pools. These include:

  • The liner is prone to tearing and leaking (because it is not concrete), so the liner might have to be replaced from time to time, which can be costly
  • The water chemistry still needs to be followed closely
  • The filter will have to circulate the water at least once per day
  • There are some parts of the pool that might not have an adequate amount of circulation, which can lead to algae growth

This list is shorter than concrete pools; however, there is still quite a bit that has to be done.

Fiberglass Pools

Finally, the easiest pool to maintain is called a fiberglass pool. The list of maintenance tasks with this type of pool is much shorter. Some of the tasks include:

  • The water has to be circulated once per day by the filtration system
  • The water chemistry has to be checked before the pool can be used

A fiberglass pool is not prone to growing algae, which is one of the main reasons why this pool is easier to maintain. Anyone who is looking for a pool that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance may want to consider going with a fiberglass pool.

Maintain Your Pool & Get Pool Accessories

At Dunn Rite Pool Products, we are here to help you complete your vision of your pool. We have some of the latest equipment from the top providers in the industry. We even make our own pool products, such as pool volleyball and pool basketball units! We are family owned and have been in business for more than 30 years. Come and visit us today to learn more about how we can help you with your swimming pool!

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